Make Your Own Path
Treatment services
All of CHAD’s Outpatient Programs/Services are voluntary
and abide all Federal Confidentiality and HIPAA Compliance
Outpatient- Counseling Program
The outpatient counseling program at C.H.A.D. offers individualized treatment based on the needs derived from the evaluation process. Often individual counseling will be used as an adjunct to the group process. If group treatment is not indicated, individual counseling sessions are recommended. The use of individual counseling is the primary treatment mode for young children and significant others.
C.H.A.D. provides comprehensive substance abuse evaluations for individuals who are in need of assessing their treatment needs. This service is also available to a variety of agencies/programs who require the above as part of their programming needs Drug Court, courts, DDP, PINS, DWI, etc.
Outpatient - Medication Assisted Therapy Program
In our outpatient clinic, C.H.A.D. offers various forms of MAT including Suboxone, Sublocade, Naltrexone and Vivitrol. When combined with care from our professional treatment staff and dedicated service from our peer support program, our MAT program is a powerful treatment tool on the path to recovery.
Cayuga County Jail Services/Program
C.H.A.D. provides counselors to the Cayuga County Jail whose main focus is to work with those who are incarcerated with an alcohol and/or substance use disorder issue. The counselor consults with local attorneys and judges to obtain intakes and referrals for the purpose of assisting placement in an appropriate inpatient setting. Counselors will also see inmates whose families have requested services. All services are connected to the main agency for supervision and for facilitating communication with attorneys, judges, family members, probation, etc.
Outpatient - Peer Support Program
C.H.A.D. Peer Support program is a person-centered service delivered by a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate, an individual who brings personal substance use disorder recovery experience and professional training to the treatment experience. The peer support program offers an array of services. A few examples include:
Empathetic, one-on-one recovery support and mentorship
Connection to recovery supports such as 12 step programs
Non-clinical crisis support, especially following cases of hospitalization or incarceration
Education about various modes of recovery, and social and/or other support services
Modeling coping skills and identify strengths
In-home and community-based services, and more
Outpatient- Group Therapy
C.H.A.D provides Group therapy for the following groups:
Relapse Prevention Program
This program is designed to address the needs of those with previous treatment experience and relapse. Relapse Prevention assists participants in evaluating their previous recovery experiences so that they may learn from them and build an even stronger sober support system and recovery program for ongoing sobriety. Relapse Prevention strongly encourages that each individual establish a sober support system such as AA, NA, or a program of their choice.
Adult Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
The Adult IOP Program is designed for individuals who need treatment for substance use disorder and do not require the structure or medical care of an inpatient treatment setting. This program is appropriate for those completing an inpatient program with an aftercare referral for intensive outpatient treatment. The intent of this service is to keep people at home when supportive and maintain their employment while receiving outpatient treatment that is intensive. It also allows those in treatment to set up a support system in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and/or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). The adult program is approximately six weeks and meets three times per week, for three hours per session, from 9AM to 12 PM.
Recovery Basics, Psycho-Education Group
This program is intended to educate those who have experienced problems in their life as a direct result of their substance use. The Program is a minimum of 14 sessions in duration with treatment goals of increasing the awareness of substance use disorders and their impact on patients’ lives. Introduction to self-help groups (AA/NA); and the encouragement of self-assessment. This is a non-intensive program which meets one time per week for one hour per session.
Family Education/Support Program
The Family Program is designed for those individuals who are seeking more information about substance use disorder or who are affected and concerned about someone's drinking or substance use. The goal of this program is to help individuals gain an increased understanding of substance use disorders and how they affect family/friends. Participants have an opportunity to become more aware of personal feelings and behaviors resulting from living with someone who is actively using substances. An introduction to Al-Anon as a support group is included. Individual counseling is available as part of this program.
“Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it.”
— Jamie Lee Curtis